Lion Dr. R.A. Igou (Dr Igou), though not technically a charter member, missed the 1st meeting only because he was on call
at the hospital that night. Joining the next meeting (July 1, 1948), he has been a steadfast Lion and served in every office of the club including president more than once. He served in district office and has was elected vice district governor though unable to serve out his term due to health reasons. The rewards of Lionism he summed up in a brief story.
A couple he met through his practice asked for the club's help. He was caring for his wife at home, she had several health issues and was losing her sight due to cataracts. He was facing a degenerative but operable eye disease
himself. The club though mainly focusing on children's needs decided to assist them in hopes that he would be able to continue caring for his wife. The surgery was a successful and they were able to remain together for several more years. Dr. Igou's quiet service and guidance have shown and inspired the true meaning of Lionism
to our club and membership.