Alabama Lions Sight takes services on the road with State's first Mobile Eye and Vision Clinic
by Carla Davis/Alabama NewsCenter
Click on image for full story!

East-West Baseball of 2015:
The Dixie Lions Club is still keeping the tradition of East-West Baseball alive! On May 17, 2015: Forty-four players from nine high schools in the three River Region counties participated in our game at Montgomery's Paterson Field.

March 2015 Board Meeting:
Top Left picture - New look for Alabama Lions Sight.
Top Right picture - Dr. Felton Perry, UAB School of Optometry, was the guest speaker at the March 15, 2015 Board of Directors meeting.
Bottom Left picture - IPCC Ron Seybold, President of the Cullman Community Lions Club, presented a $250.00 check to ALS President Lowell Bonds.
Bottom Right picture - Lion Steve Cartee presented a check for $500.00 from the Cullman LEO Club to ALS President Lowell Bonds.

Pictured with ALSCA Executive Director Durden Dean is Brundidge Lions Club President Howell Skeen accepting his clubs Campaign 72-72 banner patch and chevron.
The Brundidge Lions Club was founded in 1951 and have always been outstanding supporters of Alabama Lions Sight.

ALSCA Executive Director Durden Dean recently took part in eye screening for a very special group of young people. They are orphans from Moldova that were sponsored by a local church in Montgomery and spent the summer traveling, visiting churches and seeing the sights throughout Alabama and the Florida panhandle. The children have had a difficult life in their native Moldova and visiting the United States was a dream come true for them. Most of them had never had an eye exam and due to the generosity of Dr. Roy Hager of Montgomery and the UAB School of Optometry received free eye exams and glasses. Picture with the students and others are Dr. Mary Jean Sanspree with UAB, Mike Merrill, ALSCA E.D. Durden Dean, Dr. Hager and Torrey Dekeyser with the Eyesight Foundation of Alabama.

ALSCA Executive Director and Montgomery Lions Club member Durden Dean recently took part in the presentation of 800 pair of eye glasses to Frazier United Methodist Church in Montgomery in support of their Mission of Hope outreach to Haiti. A total of over 3,500 glasses will be sent to Haiti to be distributed to the poor in support of the Lions worldwide mission of service and Frazier's mission efforts in the country. Pictured from L-R are Pastor Patrick Quinn, Frazier Mission Director Butch McPherson, Mike Merrill, Montgomery Lions Durden Dean, Clinton Carter and Littleton Carothers and Dr. Roy Hager.